Your Sponsorship Will Help Local Children’s Shelters:

Nancy K Perry Children’s Shelter & Palmetto Place Children’s Shelter


The door is open to a child being carried in because he was rescued from an abusive environment with only the clothes on his back – no shoes – no coat – no one that he knows to receive him. This is common place at a children’s shelter.

In a 12 month period, 3219 children entered foster care in the state of South Carolina!

These children arrive at the Nancy K. Perry Children’s Shelter at all hours of the night and day. Some are hungry and dirty. Some are sick, or have injuries requiring medical treatment. All are emotionally traumatized and in need of much more than a roof over their heads to make them feel safe again. They have suffered abuse, neglect, or abandonment, at the hands of those they most trusted.


Palmetto Place Children’s Shelter is a safe haven for abused and neglected children and homeless teens throughout the state of South Carolina. Children are provided a safe and nurturing environment where they have access to after-school programs, tutoring, recreational and social activities. Services are provided that concentrate on personal healing and development including medical attention, mental health care, crisis adjustment, and transitional counseling. Children are given the opportunity to succeed by receiving support to improve their grades and to stabilize their behaviors. 

Both Children’s Shelters have one main goal,

To make a difference in the life of each child.

  • You may designate your sponsor dollars for a specific shelter on our registration form.
  • 100 % of Sponsor’s dollars goes to the charity – ticket sales will cover expenses.
  • Remaining net dollars from ticket sales will be divided between the two shelters.
  • Additional dollars will be requested the night of the concert through the Bucket List Project.



The night of the concert, a silent auction and raffle will be held in the lobby of the KOGER CENTER. Persons donating items for auction/raffle, may designate the charity that will receive the proceeds from their auction/raffled item.


Date and Time of the Show